I have thought a lot lately about very hateful and inconsiderate things that have been said to me sine Tess died. Statements like, you should get over it, you need to seek psychological help, you are scaring your other children with the way you grieve, there are way worse things in the world then you losing your child, etc..... I could go on and on. One woman that wrote me an email and said such hateful things I have heard is expecting her first grandchild. I wonder if her judgment would be so harsh if her child woke up to a baby that was dead. A couple of other women who said other hurtful things have had newborn babies since then. One just had her first. I sure hope that they don't have to walk in these shoes. They were thrown at me.....I didnt ask for them. I have tried to wear them the best way that I knew how.
I have learned that when all else fails and you arent really sure what to say, maybe you should just keep your big mouth shut. If you judge me or anyone else, it will come back to bite you in the you know what. To those people that weren't so gracious and to those so called life long friends that have been MIA for the last year or so.......I don't need you. I pulled myself out of the worst of it, by myself with the help of the Lord. I hope that you never have to experience something so gut wrenching and if you do, I hope you are shown a little more kindness than you showed me at my very darkest hour!
It's hard to internalize rudeness that comes from some people and not want to give them a piece of you mind or better yet a kick in the hiney to boot! It takes a strong person to have thick skin in warding off offenses....and I'm sorry that has happened to you throughout all this. I love you Jordan, and think of you often. Many hugs to you.
LOVE it!! :)
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