Avery and Scarlett love their little brother Saylor soooooo much. They are always so willing to hold him and do whatever I need to help me. They both also check on him all the time, to see if he is okay. This is really sad to me, because they will go over to him and make sure he is breathing. I hate how they have lost some of their innocence by going through the death of their sister. I do love watching them interact with him and laugh at every little thing that he does. I captured these pics last night when Avery was burping the little man and he started to smile at her. It totally made her night!!
I just adore all your pictures :) Beautiful kiddos. I'm sorry for the loss of sweet Tess and I'm sorry that your doctor is adding fuel to asinine study :( I can't get it out of my head, it just makes me so mad. Are you sleeping with this little one?
Thanks Jenny for commenting. I have really enjoyed reading your blog and I too am so sorry for your baby girl's passing. I coslept with all of my girls and I don't know if that had anything to do with Tess's passing. I have had Saylor in bed with me a couple of times over the last two months, but I would wake up constantly and the visual was just too much for me, since that is where I found Tess. Unfortunately I have been sleeping with him in a recliner or on a few rare occasions, he will sleep in his swing for a few hours while I catch some zzzs alone in the bed. It feels like I am parenting this infant totally different and it makes me so mad that I question myself as his mother.
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