Thursday, April 2, 2009

Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius. - Pietro Aretino

It seems like we have been couped up for so long now. We have only been here for a few months, but many have said that this is the worst winter Wyoming has seen in a while. Last week we experienced our first blizzard and needless to say, it was something to see. Bryan was stranded in a motel about 40 miles away for a couple of days, while the girls and I were stuck here. Avery didn't have school for 3 days last week and I even had to get my daddy to come get us to take us grocery shopping. The day after the big storm, the girls begged their dad and I to take them down to the hot tub. I was not about to get my bathing suit on in 30 degree weather, but they have their daddy wrapped around their finger. Here are some pics that I took, which I think are priceless. It was so pretty that night and they loved playing in the snow while being in the warm water.


ashley said...

i think i will stick with our weather. a little snow here and there and then it melts. it has been a much better winter this year for us. glad you have famiy around to help you get to the grocery store...fooooood, definitely a must!! looks like bryan and the girls had a great time in the hot tub.

London said...

You guys know how to do winter right. I am so looking forward to spring as well.