Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Model Husband

Yesterday I went to Dallas to take my state board practical exam for cosmetology. The day started crazy as Bryan and I woke up at 4:30 in the morning to get ready to leave. We had to be at the exam location by 8:00 am and we live about two and a half hours away. I had only gotten about 3 hours of sleep because I had stayed up packing for the practical. I was so delirious when Bryan woke me up that I told him that I wanted to reschedule. With a little strong encouragement I got up and away we went. I had to take a model with me to perform a facial and manicure on. I had planned on taking a friend, but when a couple of them couldn't come Bryan agreed to be my model. What is hysterical is that the model has to come in with red fingernail polish and makeup on. I painted his nails and put his makeup on in the parking lot of the testing center. I think I was sleep deprived so applying his makeup was very difficult do to all the laughing I was doing. The pink lipstick was the icing on the cake. I told him that I hope his appearance didn't disturb or distract the other students too much. Bryan was such a good sport about it all. A couple of people have pointed out to me what a good husband he is for doing this for me. My mom even said that not a lot of men would have done it. The test took about three and a half hours. When it was finally over I felt a little emotional and a huge weight lifted. I had finally accomplished something that I had always wanted to do. I now have to wait for the state to send me my cosmetology license and then I am going to start my new job. I am going to work 2-3 days a week which is still kind of crazy considering I will get payed to play. Perfect profession for me!!


ashley said...
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ashley said...


I really want to see some pictures of Bry all looking like a GirlyMan.

Cute kids

So did they let you know if you passed or not as soon as you were done?

Sorry - I didn't mean to delete my comment - I just wanted to add to it


London said...

Congrats Jordan!! I am so proud of you, and I know you will be GREAT at doing hair. I was a little disappointed to see Bryan all dolled up. He's great. I am glad you have such a great hubby. Talk to you soon.

Jordan said...

Yes they let me know that I passed as soon as I was finished. I just have to wait for the state to send my licence to make it official.

Bryan wouldn't dare let me take a picture of him. He actually looked very disturbing. It was quite funny.

Nicky said...

Congratulations Jordan!!!!
That is all so exciting! London told me you were going to school to be a cosmetologist. I thought that is the perfect job for you! You are going to do great! I am so proud of you and I must say you do have a pretty special, loving, and supportive husband to do that for you. Have fun playing!!
Love ya!!

ashley said...

Bryan what good sport you are. Congrats Jordan. I bet you are glad to be done. I also wanted to see Bryan all made know for bribery or posterity at least. Jordan I am glad you found something you love to do, that is difficult sometimes. Good luck with the work ventures. Ash