Monday, October 3, 2011

A Little Baking and a Lot of Growing Up

My oldest Avery is nine years old. She seems to be growing up so fast these days. I thought I had at least a couple more years before we had a little preteen on our hands. No.....the little "tween" is here. She is starting to exhibit certain teenage characteristics that are baffling me, since I never thought my baby girl would grow up. She thinks that I am not so cool anymore, tends to be a quite emotional at times and is even starting to really like boys. She really wants to be independent. She has been asking me for a while to let her try to bake something all on her own. No help from me or her dad. She picked a sugar cookie recipe and did a really good job. She was so adamant to do everything on her own and I was really proud of her.

Avery Raine will always be so special to me. She was my first born and my first daughter. We spent three precious years together, just her and I. She has always been such a special spirit and has one of the kindest hearts I have ever known. Ever. She always wants to do what is right and is already such an example to me even at the tender age of nine. I sometimes wonder what I did to deserve to be her mother, because she is so good. I am so grateful though.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

She is just so beautiful, glad that she gives you so much joy!