Saturday, September 24, 2011

4 Months Old

Saylor turned four months old yesterday. I can't believe how fast the time has flown. Just like with all of my other children, it is hard to imagine a time when he wasn't a part of our family. He is such a big boy. Everywhere we go, people comment on how big and chunky he is. He now weighs about 21 1/2 lbs and is wearing size 9-12 mo clothes. He has found his little voice and he loves to talk. He also loves to be talked to. He lights up when anyone talks to him. He also seems to be starting to teeth. He is drooling a ton and loves to suck and chew on his hands constantly. He is definitely a mama's boy and sometimes can't be consoled by anybody else but me. I love it.
Blue eyes!!
Just starting to play in his bouncy!
Big fat baby legs!


Ashley said...

Gosh he is so cute! I could just kiss those chunky legs :) Can't believe he is already 4 months time has gone on do you feel more comfortable and less afraid of something happening?

Jennifer said...

He is one handsome dude! Love his eyes. :-)