Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Father's Love

I found this letter that Bryan wrote for Tess. He actually only wanted to put it in her casket, but I coaxed him into reading it at her funeral. Reading this today after church, reminded me again, what today is all about. Bryan is an English literature major and writes very eloquently, but I think the spirit was definitely with him when he penned this sweet letter to his daughter, Tess.

I loved you , even though I hardly knew you. I didn’t quite yet know who you were or what you would become. You were (and still are, I think) an infinite bundle of hope, possibilities and potential. You were the spring rain that renews the earth, a fresh start that we all wish we could have sometimes. A fresh start I got, if only for a while, through you.

You seemed so small and helpless and utter perfection. How I must seem small and helpless and terribly flawed from where you are now. I was supposed to protect you, but I couldn’t. I feel so weak for failing. Now I ask you to watch over me until we meet again. There were so many things I wanted to show you and hoped to teach you. But you are suddenly far past my understanding. You are the teacher now. I would have taught you too much of the ways of this world, a world that, as it turns out, you were too good for. Now you know our Father and the mysteries of heaven. Perhaps you were never here long enough to forget them. Ask Him to send His love to those of us who are left behind.

I know you were never really mine. You were sent to me with no guarantees in this life, only for the next. I feel so alone, now that you are gone, but I know that you are not alone and never really gone. I can still feel you . We are still connected somehow. Know that I love you, wherever you are. I promise, here and now, I will try to be worthy of your perfect memory and your company again someday. I will never forget you. Goodbye my sweet baby Tess, until we meet again.

Your Loving Father


The Taylor Family said...

absolutely beautiful!

angela moore said...

i love that letter. still brings me to tears.