Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Smile

A year ago today, Tess and I were spending our last day together. I have quite a few unwanted memories from the 21st, but I can't really remember a lot about the day and night before. I do know that just a few days before Tess died, I captured the only picture that we got of her smiling. She had started smiling and cooing a bit more, just a week or so before she passed. Avery and Scarlett would get so excited when she would smile. In that one crude photo that I took with my cell phone, you can see how special she is. I can actually see the light of Christ in her sweet face and especially in her eyes. For some reason this picture makes me think that she was an old soul and probably was so much more wise than both her daddy and I. She has definitely taught me more in the last year than I could've ever imagined. Even though the selfish side of me wants her here, I am coming to realize that she was too precious for this world. I am so thankful for the chance I had to be her mother, even for a short time.

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