Friday, February 3, 2012

I Have A Kid In The Double Digits

Last week our Avery Raine turned ten years old. Her birthday was on Tuesday January 24. I dropped her off at school that morning and I drove off and bawled like a baby. I can not believe that it has been ten years since she was born. It is going by way too fast. I still remember how I felt the moment that I heard her first cry. It was the most spiritual experience that I had ever had. She blessed our home and made me what I had always wanted to be..... a momma.

We got up early and curled her hair really cute that day. I wanted her to feel special. I also stayed up into the wee hours of the morning trying to make some homemade cupcakes for her to take to her class. I am not a baker or a cake decorator, but I managed to decorate some Domo cupcakes for her. They were kind of sad looking, but she thought they were awesome and kept thanking me over and over for making them.

I have always thought this girl was too good to be sent to me and Bryan. I have at times felt like I wasn't worthy enough to have the privilege of raising such a valiant and sweet spirit. Avery sets an example for everyone in our home. She has such a strong and sweet testimony and such a big heart. I love her so very much.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

What a great mom you are...the cupcakes look great!

My son turns 10 this year also and I still say how crazy it is that he is THAT old. Where has the time gone!?