Friday, February 3, 2012

Baby Boy Is 8 months Old

Last week on January 23rd, Saylor turned eight months old. This baby is such a big boy. He weighs about 28 lbs (yes he is a giant)and is wearing 18/24 month size clothing. We got him a big boy car seat because he grew out of the infant car seat and was so very heavy to carry. He is sitting up so good and loves to play with his toys. He finally started to roll over a couple of weeks ago and is finally liking being on his tummy for tummy time. Our pediatrician told me that he might be a little slower to do these things because of his big old belly. LOL!! He is such a good eater and I have been pretty much feeding him everything that we eat. Tonight he had some chicken and green beans. Everyone that sees him comments on how beautiful a baby he is and especially how pretty his eyes are. His blue eyes are my favorite!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

He is BEAUTIFUL and has amazing eyes!!

LOVE the picture of him with a pickle, makes me giggle every time :)