Saturday, January 28, 2012

She Was Still My Baby........Always My Girl

I remember being absolutely terrified as Tess's viewing approached the Friday evening of the 23rd. She passed away on Wednesday, April 21, and I had not seen her since that morning when the coroner came and took her away. I remember feeling so torn those first two days that we were apart. I felt guilty for not being with her and also felt intense guilt for letting someone take her away. I should have demanded to go with her.....wherever she was going. I was her momma, I should have been with her. As the evening started approaching on the 23rd, Bryan, my parents and I were going to go early, to be able to spend some time with her. Before anyone else got there. I was petrified to see her and at the same time I could not wait. I didn't know what to expect. How do you ever prepare yourself to see your child in a casket? I remember as soon as we walked into the room that she was in, how tiny her little casket seemed to look in that massive space. As I got closer to her, I screamed out. I was heartbroken and I am sure that my scream was part agony, but I also think I screamed because I felt such a weight lifted from my shoulders. I felt such relief. Even though my daughter was lying in that casket, she was still my gorgeous baby girl. I was still so proud of her and proud to show her off. I immediately picked her up and felt such peace. Such comfort to be reunited with her after those two days.

She will be turning two years old in just a little over a week and a half. The anticipation of this milestone does a number on my heart. I keep telling myself that this all happened for a reason and our reunion as mother and daughter will be like no other. All of this will be worth it.....right? I can not wait until the day when I can sit and rock her, kiss her head and smell her hair. What a special baby she is. I would do it all again a thousand times over.


Ashley said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures of your last moments holding Tess. She is simply beautiful. It is still so hard for me to see pictures because I can feel all your same emotions.

:( Thinking of you always.

Alesha said...

Those pictures tear at my heart strings. She is so pretty. Isn't it just bizarre that this is life? I think that all the time, I can't believe this is my life. Thinking of you!

PS That little chubber baby boy you have is to die for! He is about the same age as Pierce would be. :)