Friday, January 6, 2012

Finally Did Another VLOG

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I feel that SAME way...I was talking to my doctor at Teague's 6 month check up saying that he may be my 6th baby BUT I feel like I have NO idea what I am doing - I don't trust myself and what I thought I was doing as a mother (even though my first 4 kids are fine).

Flashbacks are the worse - whenever my baby is sleeping he looks dead to me now - my children even comment all the time when they check on him they'll say he's okay he's not cold :(

Do you think it has gotten easier as Saylor gets older? For has in some ways but I am just sad all the time because he is older than his big brother and doing things that I never got to see Beckett do.

It's a constant battle for me also because I hate how everyone isn't here with me.

I think about you all the time and baby Tess...I know your pain, I hate that you feel this way. If you ever want to talk, please call!!