Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas With The Cousins

This year for Christmas, three out of my four siblings came from out of state to my parents house. Avery and Scarlett had been looking forward to their cousins, Rikki and Tye that were coming from Tennessee. Rikki is about a year younger than Avery and Tye is six months older than Scarlett. We were all excited to meet their new (well not so new baby sister) Tana. She is 11 months old and our family had never met her. My sister Carly and brother in law Andrew also came up from Farmington, Ut and brought along with them their little Beckam. This precious kid should have his own television show. He has the cutest personality and is almost freakishly smart. I didn't get as many pics as I would like but here are a few.

Tye Boy




Avery and Rikki


1 comment:

Ashley said...

Looks like fun! I love cousin time :)