Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Christmas Was Made!!

A couple of days ago I got the coolest thing in the mail. A sweet friend that I have known since I was a kid, sent me a Christmas ornament that she had had made for Tess. She was going to surprise me, but decided to ask me which one of Tess's pictures I would like to use. So, I was expecting it to come, but was totally overwhelmed when it did. When I opened the box and first laid my eyes on this sweet little pink ornament with my baby girl's image on took my breath away. Her sweet little face looking back at me melted my heart all over again, just as it did when they brought her over to me after they took her out of my womb during my csection. It was like I was seeing her face for the very first time and falling in love with her all over again. We haven't been together her on earth as mother and daughter for twenty months now. The bond between us is not broken though, and will never be. I was completely overwhelmed by this sweet gesture. Honestly, sometimes I feel like some of my friends and family are forgetting Tess. It meant so very much to me that someone remembered her this Christmas. I really just love it so much.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

What an amazing thing for someone to do for you!! LOVE IT ((Hugs)) Thinking of you always <3