Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Perfect Costume

Halloween is a very big holiday in our house. My girls and especially Avery take their Halloween costumes very seriously. I wish I could say that I made their costumes, but since I can barely sew a button on, I can't. The last couple of years we have been sent a costume catalog from a costume company. We get it in the mail a couple of months before Oct 31. Avery literally looks through the pages of this book for several weeks, picking a certain costume and then changing her mind. It keeps her occupied for hours. When the catalog can't keep her attention anymore, she gets online and does the same thing. I think it is so funny. The girls got their costumes last week just in time to go to a cherished friend's annual Halloween party.


Jenny said...

Love them!!

London said...

The girls look great! Happy Halloween. Glad they can wear their costumes a few times since they take so much time figuring it out :)