Thursday, October 27, 2011

5 months old

Saylor turned five months this past week. The time has flown. He is weighing in at about 23 lbs. I took him to the doctor about a week ago and he is over 100% for his weight, length and head. He is wearing 12 month clothes now and really is such a big boy. He starting turning over on his side in the last couple of weeks and even turned over on his stomach a couple of times. He gets his arm caught under him and doesn't like that very much. Haha! He laughs so much and especially loves when his daddy or sisters talk and play with him. He sucks on pointer finger constantly and is also starting to discover his feet. I love watching all his new discoveries every day. Every thing he does is so cute to us and I have taken thousands of picture in his short few months of life. I thank the Lord every day for blessing us with our beautiful baby boy.


Susan said...

This is Aaron: I thought Dane was fat but he totally beats him and i seriously want to poke at his belly

London said...

Ohh, Jord. That boy is too much. He is so sweet. I want to squeeze him! Glad he is healthy and happy.