Saturday, October 15, 2011

Remembering Our Girl Today.........and Always

I have been thinking about my baby girl quite a lot today. It is so hard to believe that she has been gone for so long. October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. All day all I can think of is how we lit candles for her last October 15th and how I can't believe how another October has come around again. She is still gone. Right before Bryan left for work I had a good long cry. I expressed to him like I have a thousand times before how much I miss my baby and how it is not fair. How no parents should ever have to lose their baby or child. How no mother should ever have to wake up next to a baby who is gone. I felt sorry for myself for an hour or so and I felt better.

I can't even express in words how much I love my baby Tess. We tried for four years to have her. I was told by doctors that a third baby wasn't in the cards. Then miraculously I got pregnant. I carried her for nine months and wanted her so much. She was our third little girl and we were so excited when she finally came to join our home. She was the prettiest baby and I loved every second that I got to spend with her. Those ten weeks were some of the most cherished moments I will ever experience in my life. What a true blessing from God she is. She is my heart.

Tonight we light a candle to remember our precious baby Tess. We also remember all babies that have gone so soon.

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