Saturday, August 13, 2011

Decide To Start a VLOG


Felicia Belfiore said...

Thank you so much for this video, I am not an active blogger but I do read. I also am a bereaved mother. Your video has truly hit home with my feelings and emotions also. You are inspire me to be more open with my feelings. Thank you and look forward to more videos. Take care

Felicia- Massachusetts

Jordan said...

Thanks Felicia. I wasn't sure that anyone would even watch or care. I am fairly new on this journey of healing and still have a long way to go, but if I can ever help you or if you ever need to talk I am here. I think the friends I have met online(who have lost children like us) that I have never actually met face to face have helped me so much. xoxo
Thanks for adding me on facebook.

Ashley said...

Loved watching this...I know that talking to other mom's has definitely helped me. It was nice to put a face/voice with your blog.

I did a video of me on Beckett's birthday to kind of document where I was in my grief and coping at that time, maybe I should do another one now at the 1 year mark. I remember thinking that I want to be able to look back and see how far I've come in dealing with this.